Visit to the Westzipfel school in Selfkant-Saeffelen

15. Sep 2021

Visit to the Westzipfel school in Selfkant-Saeffelen

Last week, the EMRLingua team visited the Westzipfel primary school in Selfkant, which is part of the two networks Euroregion Profile School and Euroregion School.

Last week, the EMRLingua team visited the Westzipfel primary school in Selfkant, which is part of the two networks Euroregion Profile School and Euroregion School. The motivated teachers there are taking a creative approach to teaching the Dutch language to their pupils.
In this context there was a special surprise in store last Wednesday: a virtual trip into space, thanks to the Spacebuzz-rocket, an initiative of the Dutch astronaut André Kuipers.

For more information on the school and the Spacebuzz rocket: